The Real Meaning of Life

This is great!

See my reply to this comment:
Me too. It means it's our job to keep this from happening, so we have an existential reason for being alive, and there is an ultimate reason why we live, so we can stop being depressed and get to work. We all have meaningful jobs now! Cool! Great video!

And as an exercise in scientific theology, try to see if there is any connection to be made with this talk:
And with this talk by the American philosopher John Searle:
Then you will see what Simone de Beauvoir is getting at here:
And then you will what is the Lesser Filter that guides the statesman and the man in the street so that they both can agree on what should be done:
Then these spontaneous groups that form around shared common interests fragment the public sphere the result is a form of totalitarianism that is outside the control of any public sphere in which individuals actions can have meaningful consequences:
Individuals under such circumstances have no personal power, only the groups which have spontaneously formed from shared common interests, which can never be the common interests of the whole society, have any control, and that control is only through violence rather than power, so the societies under totalitarian control feed off the personal lives of their individual constituents.
It should now be easy to see how the Lesser and the Great Filter work together:


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