The Management

Trying to figure out the chain of command of this totalitarian idiocracy. Poor Moira has trouble hiding her hatred of me.

Meeting with Moira this morning. I asked her why she left it until nearly mid-day on Friday to contact me, just when the banks closed, so that I had to wait three extra days to receive this $120 per month they send me through the account of my daughter's mother, for some reason. Nobody has ever told me how much my mother sends, and how the amount I receive is calculated. I sign tow British Embassy La. Paz receipts but Moira keeps both of them.


Also this exchange with my daughter three days ago:

Also Devin Nunes on Estado Plurinacional de Gran California:

Moira tells me she is a cultural anthropologist, but never seems to want to talk about anthropology with me? Is there some new post-Bateson-Mead rule about anthropologists not conversing with laboratory specimens in case their experimental subjects poison the scientists' pristine minds? See Lana Del Rey - Money Power Glory.

See Devin Nunes on El Estado Plurinacional de Gran California.


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