Nick Cave Alone - The Mercy Seat

Nick Cave's cover of his own song is even better than Johnny Cash's cover. Starts here:
Johnny Cash:
The 2010 remastered studio recording:
I prefer the original to any of the covers, which is fitting, in a way, because he was and is an electrician by trade, or at least that's what I'm told, ...
And he's a snappy dresser too:
So is Lana Del Rey:
People were doing some really fucking awful things, and the reporters at The Guardian know quite a lot about it: Nick Cave Alone Utterly Magnetic. See Summer Bummer and Toby on Love and Physics. And how did I get the idea in 2018 that my daughter had a gap year in the USA? Was that just a figment of my drug-addled mind? See Lana Del Rey On Writing and Knowing When It's Done and then Lana Del Rey. As my friend Max Burt said to me once: this lettuce is tired! Max had the damnedest accident, you know. He was driving down Oxford St. in London WC1, I think, and you know how Oxford St. is one-way and has a dozen traffic lights that are never in synch? Well, as he went through one of them, he was hit broadside by a speeding fire engine. Somehow he survived, but he was paraplegic and he died a few years later. Simon and Jennifer Thornton took me to see him once, after the accident. I don't know why. Max was not very happy. I suppose they were warning me to be careful driving around Westminster City, ...  [No idea why I wrote Victoria instead of Oxford first time]


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