Polly Samson's Theatre for Dreamers at Hay on Wye Book Festival

The book is set on the Greek island of Hydra.
Polly Samson is married to David Gilmour of the British band Pink Floyd (see Books And Music).

In 2000 I suggested on a Leonard Cohen Internet News group that they have a reunion on Hydra. I didn't go in the end, because there were some fairly unpleasant male personalities on the newsgroup, 'Brock' was one, but there were others, and the idea of being trapped with them on an island just did not appeal at all! I had visions of women being raped and God alone knows what else going on. If you read Theatre for Dreamers, I recommend reading John Fowles' The Magus as well. I am sure it would be very interesting to compare the two books. Fowles also wrote a beautiful novel called The Ebony Tower, which was adapted to television by the BBC and started Toyah Willcox. If you watch that you will see what a brilliant actress she is. With her husband Robert, she also makes an awesome agony aunt! See A Mystery. The Von Trapped family on the BBC's Front Row:
I'd say it's more of a clan than a family. There are an awful lot of us now:
It includes quite a few Grants and Roses too:
Not surprising we all know rather a lot about psychology, then, is it?


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