Oliver Stone on US Election

Going Underground is totally suppressed in my notifications. This is going to be big problem for somebody real soon.

On chasing the light and death: To The Stupid Bastards running this Shit Hole Prison. We need to turn the neofascist catastrophe into a neofascist victory. Better fascism than the totalitarian idiocracy that has ruled America for over half a century. It's far easier to topple a fascist than a totalitarian regime. See Julian Assange Extradition.


Now listen to this:

Now see the exchange I had on 14th June 2020 with a human rights advocate and professor of political philosophy:

From: Ian Grant 

Date: Monday, 15 June 2020 at 6:53 am

To: Danielle Celermajer 

Subject: Re: PS ...

Her view of totalitarianism she expresses here is very different from the one you give below. https://youtu.be/adJlahreo4Y

14.06.2020, 16:44, "Ian Grant" :

This is the fragment of the interview I referred to:  https://youtu.be/MTLxdBH2tK4

Dear Ian

Thank you for getting in touch. As you might imagine, at this time being an academic is a rather stressful business (funding cuts, constant uncertainties) but I did want to make contact. It looks like you are spreading your analytic wings quite wide and doing important work in keeping alive a public realm of conversation.

With respect to the Arendt clip and mine on totalitarianism, I think that we are talking about two different aspects of this political form. She is talking about the shape of institutions, whereas I am talking about the effect on political discourse. The section in Original that most relates to my comments there is at the very end, around p. 470 as I recall, in case you want to take a look.

Very best


Professor Danielle Celermajer

Department of Sociology and Social Policy

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


Author of The Prevention of Torture: An Ecological Approach (Cambridge University Press, 2018): www.cambridge.org/9781108470452


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