Capitalism is killing Americans Through Overwork?!

Try to focus on work that's actually worth someone's time doing. You will find the amount of available work very quickly diminishes to the point of disappearing altogether. What is killing you is not overwork, it is ill-health. Your work should be making sure everybody has a healthy place to live and work in. I haven't watched this, and probably won't ever watch it, because it sounds way too much like emotional labor to me! [I did watch it, and it is very well done. He doesn't suggest a way out though. But he has been fairly thoroughly demonetized by YouTube]

It is also pretty clear that the working class in America are the slaves of the wealthy. I always knew that, but I didn't quite appreciate how badly you're treated. Here's my analysis of the problem: The Real Meaning of Life. And this is the real American Dream, as interpreted by my girlfriend. It's a bit of a nightmare, actually:


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