Lana Del Rey's Mathematical Physics Text Book Recommendation

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She probably won't get a knighthood for it, but she might get, ... Never you mind. This reminds me, I have to sort out the chassé de merde of Cherry Poke-a-Culo in El Jardín. Why me? I don't know, the fucker can't talk. Mouth full of French presidential coq au vin and Chat-eau-Marjorie '69 I expect. See The Road To Reality which Lana is going to explain by turning 180° into 540° effortlessly! With a little help from her self-loading poet and a bucket of ammonia, ... See Lana Del Rey and Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Hold on to Yourself.

Poor Billie Eilish doesn't even think she'll have a swing to sit in anymore, ...
Don't worry babe, everything's going to change, for Good.
Bored little girls, ... you know. They learned long, long ago, that Los Angeles are not knights in armour on white horses to be rescued by, ... At least, not the Good ones, ...
To understand what I'm saying there, you need to be able understand my pussy tastes like Pepsi Cola and mentholated cigarettes, ... 
I don't know the answer to this. Who do you have to be to love Los Angeles? 
Astronauts and Heretics or just somebody with talent and friends who help them realize it?
And you don't have to live in a suitcase, you can live in a house under the freeway a few blocks from the beach, ...
But why not make Hollywood like the whole of New York? A state of mind you can take with you everywhere you go?
All we need is secure telecommunications.
It's become a bit of an anthem, since 9/11/2001!
... and she was right, wasn't she, Roger Penrose? Penelope Maddy - How Applied Mathematics Became Pure. To see what she's getting at, you need to know what the term pure denoted in Victorian times, Roger.


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