Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds - Hold on to Yourself

I have been holding on to myself for fucking decades man! It's just that a bunch of assholes think I'm on trial but I am not on trial. I know this because there is no recognised system of law or court in any country in the world in which someone can be tried for something without first being charged with that crime, and I have not been charged, therefore I am not on trial.
See for example Toby on Love and Physics. This is amusing, but it is nothing relevant to me. I don't have to justify the crap some mad bitch writes about me in order to get her off my back. She can say whatever the fuck she wants to say about me. I don't care, and I don't care what other people who listen to her say. I don't care how many videos there are on the Internet of me purportedly fucking babies either. If people want to watch that stuff they are welcome to do so. If somebody wants to put me in jail for raping babies though, then they are going to have to charge me first, and then present their evidence in a court of law. Again, they are encouraged to do that, if they believe it's true. But nobody has done that so I don't give a shit what else they may think about me. What other people believe is not my responsibility, unless it is something I also believe myself.
Piss on the fucking devil!
Goodnight everybody!


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