Noam Chomsky Laying America's Woes at the Feet of Civil Libertarians

I don't know who these mysterious and criminally lazy Civil Libertarians are. Does he mean people like Nancy Pelosi?

See my comment on YouTube:

I'm impressed! So what gives private interests the power to, say, shut down a publisher just because they printed a book? Why couldn't those authors just have their books published by other independent imprints? Because they had sold the rights to the publisher who had sold them on to a shell company that was never going to print them and to fight those cases in [courts] would have cost tens of millions and taken years and because there were hardly any other small publishers around anyway and their publicity budgets were so small compared to the big publishers like Elsevier etc that they were hardly publishing at all. So the problem is abuse of the power of money. And just look at what Hunt was doing manipulating the press in the early sixties to get Johnson elected after JFK was assassinated, ... So this is Chomsky defending his "Manufacturing Consent" thesis: that corporations exist to make profits and journalists and authors are obliged to work for these large corporations because they are the only ones who have a significant share of public attention? But since 1987 we have had the Internet in academia, and that was free, apart from telecommunications charges. So what went wrong? Was it supposed to be up to progressive liberals to prosecute the cartel of software, hardware and communications corporations from conspiring to maintain control of global telecommunications by destroying the careers of any individual computer engineers who would not play ball? So my question for Prof. Chomsky is "Where does capitalism stop and conspiracy to undermine the Constitution of the United States start?" and then "Is it really up to 'the progressive liberals' to defend the Constitution through the Supreme Court? Or could any American Professor of, say, linguistics or something, taken on the job? If not, then why not? Is that really a problem with Capitalism, Prof. Chomsky?"

You know what I think? I think Chomsky's cognitively hallucinating like fuck! See Who's Afraid of Virgina Woolf?


  1. See


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