Wade Davis on Empires

He seems to be seriously underestimating Donald Trump and the majority of the American people.

The inevitable collapse of Empires was noted a long time ago, and that's why "The American Empire" never was. The best introduction to this idea are these two independently made films. The essence of the problem is explained here, starting with the aftermath of the Suez crisis:

But it's a global thing:

The "American Empire" is about as American as Sushi, Sauerkraut and Roast Beef. You need global cooperation to deal with this, and that has to be based on very good communications:

What I would like to talk to Wade Davis about would be what the hell Eric Gairy and the Nazi freemasons thought they were doing in Grenada from 1967 until 1979, coincidentally the 200th anniversary of the French capture of Grenada on July 4th, 1779.

From US Invasion of Grenada:

Gairy stayed in exile in the United States until 1983, when the United States, backed by some Caribbean allies - notably, Dame Eugenia Charles, Prime Minister of Dominica - invaded to topple a military government which had overthrown and killed Bishop.

See Mad Girl Celebrates Nailing Imaginary Boyfriend To Tree. The relevance of this to the situation in America today is hinted at here by Ronald Reagan on October 14th 1987 appealing for help from the public in the confirmation of Judge Bork.

See Durham and Barr Stalling on Obamagate

This was a hangover from Iran-Contra and ultimately the CIA backed coup in Iran in 1953, ordered by a British oil company. See The Eastern Arm of Iran-Contra and LA '92 - No We're Not Done With Gangs.

So what XR need are some really hot international lawyers, and people like Vanessa Beeley who know more of the history of British involvement in the Middle East than you are likely to read about in any authorised accounts. See Iran False Flags and Burmah Oil Company and Neo-colonialism in Iran. But Vanessa is sometimes hard to hear from:


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