New York Times Coming up with The Shit!

See this OnTech newsletter:
Which is all about failures of European regulators to curb "Big Tech" abuse of monopolies, and Twitter, a company with it's HQ in the Republic of Ireland and offices in the State of California:
There was also a problem with enforcement. Europe passed a highly-touted privacy law called General Data Protection Regulation, but it’s been a flop at limiting data collection by the biggest tech companies. Much of the policing of the law was left to Ireland, which simply doesn’t have the resources to keep up.
 See Denis Donaldson and the "Brexit Backstop", then see British Intelligence and the FBI/CIA Rats Nest and then Martin McGuiness on Northern Ireland and Martin McGuiness on Northern Ireland. And Mr Pichai, man you must be one of the stupidest motherfuckers who was ever called a CEO! All your staff think you need psychiatric help. Do you know why? It's because you're thicker than stupid shit! It is through your fucking crap software like Gboard and Blogger that these cunts are trying to edit what I type as I type it. That is conspiring to pervert the course of justice, and it will get you ten fucking years in prison asshole! Guru Sundar Pichai this is a war crimes trial I am talking about, so you had better take it very fucking seriously indeed my little friend! A Meditation.


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