Tump's Kodak Generic Drugs Deal

I'm not too impressed by this.

2:35 Most Americans didn't notice that their drug prices decreased, ... Because they were taking more drugs than they were before the prices dropped? That might not be an accident. You have to look into the way these companies sell their junk. This problem won't necessarily go away when the drugs are made in the USA because Kodak is a big multinational corporation. But I presume we won't know the mechanics of the deal until after the election, if ever. I talked to a guy once who told me had been CEO of a big French pharmaceutical company, and he said it is very hard to market generic drugs at affordable prices in the countries where they are most needed, because international price differentials create huge pressure towards black or gray markets. The best way to reduce people's medical expenses is to make sure the conditions are right for them to be healthy. You don't even need to reduce prices then. You also have a more productive workforce and a better social environment which has positive effects on general health. Because of this, it is highly likely that cheaper drugs will make people less healthy.


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