Singing Lessons from Los Gatos

We have secure telecommunications. It's just that Google et al are working so hard to fuck us that it takes months for us to get the acknowledgements. And that means that assholes like Newsom and Thornton and Musk have months to dig themselves into even deeper holes. This doesn't work peeps.
I want an office and basic human rights, right fucking now!
I tried and failed to post this comment on the video below:
I haven't heard this yet, because only power outlet I have is near a road and the cars and bikes are so loud they make it hard to hear even with headphones. Nice to meet you! My comment won't post on YT app. It doesn't say why.
Her video wouldn't load on YT via the Chrome browser either:
That's "shadow banning".
Why is she not allowed to express her views to me? Because she can e-mail me? Well, what if she doesn't know my e-mail address? Can she send me a letter? Can she call my mobile phone? Or just because she's terrified of me, and doesn't want to speak to me at all? Or is it because I am a nobody who obsesses about unobtainable women on-line and eventually went mad from sustained cocaine abuse for eleven years? I don't it's any of these. I think it's because the State of California is governed by a bunch of genocidal fucking racists, who are also all crooks and sexual perverts, and stupider than really fucking stupid shit.


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