
Media Chaos

This is interesting. The mainstream media are reduced to producing their own spontaneous shit-storms as a displacement activity. They are now discovering that verlassenheit  when one is "thrown back upon oneself in the continuous cycle of production and consumption which is essential to life". See  Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Noam Chomsky Laying America's Woes at the Feet of Civil Libertarians

I don't know who these mysterious and criminally lazy Civil Libertarians are. Does he mean people like Nancy Pelosi? See  my comment on YouTube : I'm impressed! So what gives private interests the power to, say, shut down a publisher just because they printed a book? Why couldn't those authors just have their books published by other independent imprints? Because they had sold the rights to the publisher who had sold them on to a shell company that was never going to print them and to fight those cases in [courts] would have cost tens of millions and taken years and because there were hardly any other small publishers around anyway and their publicity budgets were so small compared to the big publishers like Elsevier etc that they were hardly publishing at all. So the problem is abuse of the power of money. And just look at what Hunt was doing manipulating the press in the early sixties to get Johnson elected after JFK was assassinated, ... So this is Chomsky defending his ...

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton are utterly brilliant in this 1966 filmed adaptation of Edward Albee's play.  The play opened on Broadway in September 1962, just days before the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I do not think this was entirely by chance. I think that one should watch this film as if it were a part of John F. Kennedy's "Secret Societies" speech. I am not sure what Kennedy said to whom on 27th April 1961. Here's one version: This version was, I think, addressed to advertisers. Hannah Arendt mentioned this in 1964, at  1:42  in the context of fractured public spheres.  Remember me? I brought your groceries in, ... Lana Del Rey explains, in 61 seconds: ... and the Strad? ... and the cool breeze? ... and the Jaguar? Labour and consumption. Alice being eaten in the Dream of The Red King. See Fred Hoyle's description of thermodynamics and protein-based life forms in  Lori on Extraterrestrial Life : Sylvia Plath died in 1963, aged 34 years. Comf...

Government & Masonry

When are we going to start dealing with the problem? See  my comments on YouTube : The great and the good have lost the plot. Google can't even make a web browser that doesn't crash every ten minutes.  This whole thing is held together by a rotten thread: masonry. See Modern Economics  then  Mr Pichai .

Mr Pichai

Oh my goodness gracious me Mr Pichai! You fell into a trap full of shit! Watch this space: ... Mr Pichai, how much money has Google paid these assholes over the past four years? And Facebook? And Twitter? Why? So we could have more stupid shit like this to look at? See  Government & Masonry .

Polly Boiko on Freedom Of Expression

Thought police have lost the plot. This is nuts! France24 report: Alternative news: My take: Terence McKenna on the difference between men and women  1:09:17 : David Lynch: Lana Del Rey By restricting freedom of expression, whether by terrorism, by censoring social media or the press or publishers and briadcasters, by putting people in prison for publishing information, by passing libel laws and laws against hate speech, you are exacerbating an already bad situation and making it far, far  worse. You cannot control the human mind, and you never will be able to, so take your hands off and sit down. Thank you. See  video description on YouTube : On Finding Your People : Yes please  Lana Del Rey .

Infinite Potential - Life and Ideas of David Bohm

Available free on YouTube for a limited time, it says. See  What is the Sixth Estate?